I was forbidden to teach this; just as you are still forbidden to teach these 5 or 6 in any high school anywhere in the world.
This book The Forbidden History of the World by H.L. Bernstein might be summarized as below. If you know a scholar who would like the details, then by all means read the whole book and enjoy. After about 650 A.D. almost all that is forbidden to be known is laid out. The next 1500 years is just repetition of the 5 or 6 main points. And watch this video, made as a thank you to an AP history class near Denver for walking out of class to protest book banning, to get a full picture of what you were forbidden to learn easily.
(video is a little more off the cuff than the more carefully researched history book—yet enlightening)
(and both were produced before the author's stroke and increasingly disturbing memory loss)
BUT these are the 5 things you need to know in order to understand all history
..........................................and are still forbidden to be taught:
1. Evolution (god, about 100,000 yrs. ago, didn’t say “let there be modern humans” and let some of them be white!)
2. Everyone is African. Everyone. The only significant difference is who got the upper hand - when, and how . Obviously some of us strayed a bit too far North of the equator in our families’ long journey out of Africa and faded to this pasty white color (the latest global genealogical survey shows 99.6% in the same pool!)
3. The history of the world is just a record of one enslaving, racist, conquering, autocratic regime/empire after another (we call them kings, queens, princesses!!) Try to think of even one minute of any century when is this not true? in every part of the world — on every continent
4. We invent looney religions (see below) because we immediately learn that we are animals who will eat each other if need be (if left on the top of the Andes for a week) and the best we have to hope for is that we will die
5. Democracy is a rare 1 in 1,000 yr occurrence that disappears almost immediately
6. Fascist/autocrats always go to war — the only difference is that now they almost all have nuclear weapons. And now that even the “bastion of democracy” is 1/2 fascist supporting this racism, fascism and lies of the worst kind—denying not just the Forbidden History of the World conveniently— also denying the obvious lies about the obvious (and all who at least by their silence are complicit)
It seems impossible to walk back from the low level of the betrayal of democracy to which the country has been allowed to sink. We democratically elected and voted to end democracy.
We democratically elected someone who stirred an attempt to overthrow the Constitution and democracy; who "stole" the nuclear codes and classified secret documents; and whose largely appointed Supreme Court ruled that the President has immunity from nearly all; that the Court overrules administrative experts and scientists(perhaps Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, and Darwin) in decisions; and that the Bible can be mandated in classrooms. This is fascism. And he has yet to take office as of December 2024.
Christmas: A most significant day: remembering a very dark, 30-36 yr. old Jewish kid— named Yoshua (or if you prefer English: Joshua) who came face to face with just the latest bunch of ignoramus, barbarian, enslaving, “Ar-15” slinging, murderous, crucifying fascist thugs. And these are the real fascists—the ones who hold the bundle of fasces in their hand. And the “friends”/ “disciples” of this Jewish kid—who are all a bunch of Jews themselves….or others who hang around at the synagogue have to ask themselves a difficult question: “How could we ever defeat this most powerful yet of the many autocratic, enslavers—the fascists and racists?? Not one guy crucified ; not 3— hundreds!! That’s what fascists do. How could we ever stand up to them?? And that little group of Jews came up with an answer: it had something to do with love, a bit of communism, and of course a hokey story of resurrection and virgin birth….. (stories already related and heard often much earlier in that part of the world--as with the story of the great flood)-----
which fit pretty well with the looney tales believed by Jews like Yoshua/Joshua/Jesus who believed that the 2 penguins climbed up onto an ark with 1 1/2 mill other pairs of species AND that the sun revolves around the earth as suggested at Jerecho. For the first 300 years these “christians” were thrown to the lions (which they probably deserved considering what they believed) BUT when their value as a military force was needed , they won their battle. The history of the world is the history of one autocratic, racist (because if you win a battle— obviously you are better), fascistic group of ignoramuses after another after another after another . They violently take everybody’s stuff and burn the history books. And anoint themselves kings, queens, and princesses!….. and you will bow down and kiss their bottom. Eventually we accept as civilization; normality; autocratic thugs learn to drink tea with their pinkies out. The autocrats will align with religions to calm the masses to obedience, ironically, because most religions begin as a reaction to autocrats. Think Yoshua’s Judaism, for example: there’s no evidence of an exodus, but reference to the autocratic pharaoh. Purim: holiday about comeuppance of autocratic henchman of the Persian autocratic ruler; Hanukah: revolt against the Macedonian Greeks of the “Great” conqueror. This is all about the autocrats. Most religions begin as a reaction against the oppression of the latest autocratic ruling regime.
Democracy only makes a brief appearance once in about every 1000 years. Then poof it’s gone.
80 yrs. ago another “most powerful fascist group of “AR-15” wielding ignoramus Nazi murderers were being confronted by another group of Jews (mostly)— Max Born, Oppenheimer , Rabi, Perle, Straus, Hans Bene, Einstein etc. This group of Jews had a different strategy: ‘to end all wars’ But all but 2 of them warned — don’t do this. You never know when another group of fascist enablers will…… I’ve written the history of the world. I know the next chapter.
Fascists always go to war. We’re already in a conflict where Trump threatened Ukraine in front of our eyes (Republicans refused to impeach) then in front of our eyes he went to his authoritarian buddy next door and waved him in.
Trump removed what little oversight we had officially in Iran (because, you know, we can’t let the Black guy’s accomplishment stand) and now so many of the combatants in Mid East are being supplied by Iran. Either of these conflicts could yet result in the end of the world. But Fascists always go to war--they've just never done it with nuclear weapons, so when 1/2 the country acts nonchalantly about voting for an anti-democratic candidate— all who are silent are complicit in this racism , fascism, and lies of the worst kind. We can’t stop trying. But certainly difficult to be optimistic considering all the silence and disdain for democracy. Notice that in all this "anti-religious" essay, there is no mention of god. Every religion is trying to explain the uno......verse; the uni.....verse --what is it that explains everything and everyone together? Whatever that is....... that is God. Every religion seeks to explain it ; just as every scientist seeks to explain the ultimate One.
And if someone needs a man-made help to assist: whether it be Buddha or Agni or Allah or Jesus; that doesn't seem so terrible. But be cautious about faith in man-made, hokey explanations. We'll all learn way too soon. Choose ethical behavior and respect for others. Decency. Hamarabi's Code leading to the 10 Commandments. The obvious things that almost all societies come to agree on. Does it have any relation to whether there is afterlife? You tell me. But in a nuclear-armed world, with a growing tolerance for fascism—one must not stop trying. Trying begins with accepting the truth of the 5 or 6 truths of world history (above) that were forbidden to have been taught to you.
Read the book: The Forbidden History of the World.
(available on Amazon in paperback)
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